Tuesday, 29 September 2009

the meal and the menu, while listneing to my old 8 track


if one can have complete attention then:

the menu ceases to exist
the tape stops playing
time stops
and we see what is

I guess this includes the possibility that all the above keeps going however one observes them to

observing the true nature of reality

read the flame of attention

it might be that the action is not to question the question does god exist but instead to observe the fact the question exists

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Taking effective action. Coaching

Follow the link to ... and down load

The power point takes you through thinking about action from an ontological perspective and might open up new ways of being / doing.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Existentialism. Coaching

Reading 'existentialism@ by R. C Solomon

it is helpful in getting a bit more of a grip or handle on Heidegger's ideas about being, being in the world, I, they and average-ness.

Still along way to go to my understanding however.

The 'they' is intriguing, i suspect i come up against the leveling of they frequently and this causes some problems or waves.

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Emotions and recommneded reading. Coaching

True to our feelings by R C Solomon

Insight to an integrated emotional and happy life
debunking myths
and points to other possible relevant writers

Destructive emotions, a dialogue with the Dalai Lama
Very useful in backing up coaching hypothesis about the importance of emotions

How to see yourself as you really are by Dalai Lama
insight to the value of meditation and how to practice.

All three together provide a good grounding in the value of understanding our emotions and the importance of working with them and how they are key to our being in the world.

nothing to say

most of what people say is meaningless like drizzly rain we hardly notice it and soon it is gone, evaporated away

Saturday, 5 September 2009


If we imagine life as a tree and the universe as a forest

then each of us is a leaf

which lasts for only a season

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

I am

I am an expression of the universe, part of the unfolding, I am a manifestation of the self-consciousness awareness of the universe.

As such I experience separateness as a natural consequence of that manifestation.

I describe my awareness of the sense of my being present as a separate being as being human.

